Braces & Aligners

The clear solution to straight teeth
Achieving a beautiful, healthy smile is often the reason why most people come to us at the Dental Studio Dubai for orthodontic treatment. Crooked, misaligned teeth often make people feel self-conscious about their smile and overall appearance. This is something we understand, and our orthodontist have many options to help our patients achieve straight teeth and a healthy bite. Modern orthodontics offer a variety of alternatives that work for both children and adults. In fact, newer techniques allow our specialist orthodontist to provide treatments that are quicker, more comfortable and more successful than ever.
Find Out Which Orthodontic Treatment Works Best For You

The clear solution to straight teeth
Clear removable aligners are virtually invisible making them one of the more popular orthodontic treatments of choice by adults. They come in different brands but Invisalign and Eon are the known brands in the Turkey.

Clear aligners use 3D technology, so every treatment is customized for the patient. We use this advanced technology to pre-plan, simulate the desired result and make a series of aligners for the entire course of treatment. Each aligner moves your teeth as planned by your orthodontist, gently and gradually shifting their position day by day.

Are you an ideal candidate for clear aligners?

The most ideal candidates for clear aligners are those with mild to moderate crowding and who require minimal corrections. The success of the treatment greatly depends on your compliance. The more your wear your aligners, the better the results. Your orthodontist will recommend that you wear yours for at least 20 hours a day, removing them when you’re eating or cleaning your teeth.

The new clear alternative to metal braces
eon Aligner is one of most trusted brands of clear removable aligners today. Unlike traditional braces, eon Aligners allow you to straighten your teeth without the hassle of metal brackets, wires and elastics. With eon, we are able to comfortably improve your smile without compromising your lifestyle.

Take the first step towards your eon journey

Just like any orthodontic treatment, your eon journey will start with a consultation with our Specialist Orthodontist who will determine if eon Aligner is right for you. If you are eligible and you decide to proceed with the treatment, we will create a customized plan for you and show you a 3D video manifestation of the plan which allows you to see the process and the desired outcome.

eon Aligner works by gradually altering the position of your teeth

Once you commit to the treatment plan designed for you, you will get sets of custom-made aligners that you will wear for 2 weeks throughout the course of your treatment. To get the best results, you should wear your eon Aligners regularly for 20 to 22 hours a day removing them only when you eat, floss or brush. eon Aligners are lightweight, only 0.3mm thin and are made from superior grade material that won’t irritate your cheeks and gums.

How long does average eon Aligner treatment take?

Like most orthodontic treatment, the course of your treatment depends on several individual factors such as the severity of your malocclusion and your compliance. Typically, the average treatment time is 13 months and once yours is over, you will retainer at night as instructed by your Orthodontist.

How much does an eon Aligner treatment cost?

The cost of eon Aligners depends on the complexity and length of your treatment. We do have a pricing scheme that allows for installment payments to make it easy for you to begin your treatment today.

Perfect your smile with Invisalign

Invisalign clear aligner is a popular choice for teens and adults wanting to straighten their teeth discreetly. An Invisalign treatment means you will have to wear a series of removable and custom-fit clear aligners that gradually move your teeth to their most ideal position. Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign offers a more aesthetic and comfortable option for improving your smile.

How does Invisalign treatment work?

Our Specialist Orthodontist and Invisalign-certified dentists will design a digital treatment plan that maps out the precise step-by-step movements of your teeth. You will get a series of Invisalign aligners every few weeks and you will wear each set for 20 to 22 hours a day to get the best results.

Is Invisalign right for you?

More than 8 million patients around the world have achieved beautiful smiles through Invisalign treatments. Invisalign is quite a versatile option for patients with mild to moderate crowding and it has a more practical advantage for those who are not ready to commit to wearing metal braces. With a consultation, we will be able to determine if you are a candidate for Invisalign.

How long does Invisalign treatment take?

The course of your treatment depends on several factors such as the complexity of your case and the length of the treatment. For example, a mild case of gaps between teeth will be relatively easier to fix as opposed to severe underbite where we have to direct the jaws and correct how your lower and upper teeth meet together.

On average, Invisalign treatment can take anywhere between 12 to 18 months, but patients start noticing results in a matter of weeks.

How much does Invisalign treatment cost?

In most cases, the cost of Invisalign treatment is usually quite similar to the cost of braces. The cost depends on your individual case – your compliance as well as the complexity and length of your treatment.

See the final result even before you start K Clear aligners are modern, fully customized splints that you wear to correct the alignment of your teeth. K clear aligners are invisible and removable, making them a convenient and aesthetic way to straighten your teeth. Another great thing about K Clear is its state-of-the-art process. With a 3D treatment plan, you can see the final results even before you begin your treatment. Is K Clear right for you? Our patients love K Clear because it delivers uncomplicated, beautiful results. The best candidates are those with mild to moderate malocclusions. If you are looking for a discreet yet effective way to straighten your teeth, K Clear may be right for you. What is the K Clear treatment like? Once you’re deemed suitable for the treatment and you consent to the plan, our K Clear dentist will take impressions of your teeth, clinical photos and X-rays. Based from these, a treatment will be made for you using 3D technology, and you would be able to visualize your new smile prior to your treatment. With the digital plan, the dentist will be able to give you an overview of the treatment duration. If you are happy with the visualized end result, we will arrange for the production of your custom fit aligners. You will wear your aligners at least 21 hours a day to allow your teeth to move to their desired position. You can remove them when you eat or when brushing or flossing your teeth. You will subsequently receive the next batch of your K Clear aligners on your scheduled appointments. How long does do K Clear treatment take? The course of any orthodontic treatment depends on a patient’s individual circumstances such as the severity of your malocclusion, and in case of removable aligners, how often you wear yours. For simple cases, results can be seen in just 6 months, while for more complex cases, treatment may take between 12 to 18 months. Benefits of K Clear over braces • Fully digital treatment plan • Predictable results • Comfortable, discreet and removable • Less trips to the dentist • Does not prevent good oral hygiene

Clear, fast, and with greater comfort
Ceramic braces are quite popular with teens and older patients because they offer a more aesthetic option for straightening teeth. With clear ceramic braces, people may not even realize you’re doing orthodontic treatment.

Clear ceramic braces usually have smaller brackets compared to traditional metal braces. These tooth-colored brackets are bonded to the front of the teeth and the archwires are threaded into the slots in the brackets. These archwires are colored to match your teeth which further reduces the visibility of your braces.

Experience a more gentle way to straighten your teeth with ceramic braces.

Benefits of Ceramic Braces
• Discreet, virtually invisible braces

• Ceramic brackets are resistant to staining and discoloration

• Ceramic braces deliver a gentle yet consistent force to straighten your teeth.

• Ceramic clear brackets and wires are more comfortable than traditional braces.

• Clear brackets and wires are resilient and durable

• Easier to clean than metal braces

High-quality results up to six months faster
With Damon braces or Damon Clear, our specialist orthodontist at the Dental Studio is able to deliver high-quality results up to six months faster than traditional braces.

Unlike traditional braces, the Damon Braces System is self-ligating which eliminates the need for elastics or metal ties that keep the wire in place. Elastics and metal ties produce friction and pressure that make the movement of the teeth a lot longer and less comfortable. Damon braces’ special slide mechanism and high-technology shape memory wires allow our orthodontist to move teeth quicker and in fewer, more spaced out appointments.

faster. comfortable. discreet.

Damon braces use light force which works with the body’s natural processes to create space. With Damon braces, our orthodontist is able to treat most cases without extraction.

Benefits of Damon Braces
• Faster, more comfortable treatment

• Requires fewer appointments

• Most cases are treated without extraction

• Discreet and easier to clean

• Don’t need to be tightened and are gentle to the teeth

Hide your braces, Show off your smile
Now more than ever, people are becoming more aware of the benefits of a beautiful, healthy smile.

For those who are do not like to draw attention to their ongoing orthodontic treatment, Incognito lingual braces at the Dental Studio could be a great option.

Invisible braces, also called lingual or hidden braces are fitted behind the teeth so you can’t see them at all. They are 100% customized to the shape of your own teeth for comfort and to give you outstanding results. Lingual braces are especially ideal for teens and adults who require orthodontic treatment but do not wish to compromise their appearance.

Fast and cost effective

Lingual braces are 100% customized to the shape of your own teeth for comfort and to give you outstanding results.

Benefits of Lingual Braces
• Lingual braces are discreet and virtually invisible

• It’s a 100% customizable treatment

• Lingual braces won’t leave marks on visible sides of the teeth

• Unlike removable aligners, lingual braces are always on

25% faster treatment than regular braces

Now more than ever, people are becoming more aware of the benefits of a beautiful, healthy smile.

For those who are do not like to draw attention to their ongoing orthodontic treatment, Incognito lingual braces at the Dental Studio could be a great option.

Invisible braces, also called lingual or hidden braces are fitted behind the teeth so you can’t see them at all. They are 100% customized to the shape of your own teeth for comfort and to give you outstanding results. Lingual braces are especially ideal for teens and adults who require orthodontic treatment but do not wish to compromise their appearance.

Fast and cost effective

Lingual braces are 100% customized to the shape of your own teeth for comfort and to give you outstanding results.

Benefits of Lingual Braces
• Lingual braces are discreet and virtually invisible

• It’s a 100% customizable treatment

• Lingual braces won’t leave marks on visible sides of the teeth

• Unlike removable aligners, lingual braces are always on

Keep your new smile for a lifetime

Wearing your retainers after your treatment is just as important as the treatment itself. Based on your treatment, your orthodontist will recommend the type of retainers that will suit you best.

The structures around your teeth take time to adjust to their new positions. Your retainers are little devices that will hold and stabilize your teeth in position once you complete your treatment.

Remember, natural biological forces are constantly at work in our mouths moving our teeth when we bite, swallow and speak. Continuously wearing your retainers as advised will help make sure your beautiful, new smile lasts a lifetime.

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